عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 22-10-2018, 03:07 AM   #15

عضو جديد

الصورة الرمزية The_DruiD

• الانـتـسـاب » Nov 2009
• رقـم العـضـويـة » 66822
• المشـــاركـات » 33
• الـدولـة » الجيزه
• الـهـوايـة » الرياضه
• اسـم الـسـيـرفـر » Corvus
• الـجـنـس » Male
• نقـاط التقييم » 10
The_DruiD صـاعـد

The_DruiD غير متواجد حالياً


(1) رد: Release] SUPERMIKE SOURCE VER 3.0]

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة HB# عفوا ,,, لايمكنك مشاهده الروابط لانك غير مسجل لدينا [ للتسجيل اضغط هنا ]

بيتهيقلي الموضوع باين من عنوانه دا سورس ال SUPERMIKE ولو انت مش عارف ال SUPERMIKE اتفضل .. موضوع ال SUPERMIKE :

SUPERMIKE functions
Avatar exploit fixed at (2016-02-01).
Invisible/Invincible exploit fixed at (2016-02-08).
Guild/Union limit bypass fixed at (2016-02-01).
Region reader fixed at (2016-02-09).
CharName injector fixed at (2016-02-11).
SQL support
vSRO DB support
Logging system
Remote settings, run SUPERMIKE as remote proxy.
[GATEWAY] Updated
Register Gateway IP.
Register fake login port.
Disable captcha ability.
BLOCK_STATUS, will block any server status tool, restart button will not work as intended.
[AGENT] Updated
Register Agent IP.
Register fake game port.
Ability to SPOOF(For proxies)
[AGENT2] Updated
Dual agent support.
Ability to only use 1 Proxy IP.
Register GM accounts.
Register GM priv IP settings.
Ability to make GM(s) only login.
Ability to make GM(s) visible.
Ability to block reverse scrolls under jobstate.
Ability to block resurrection scroll under jobstate.
Ability to block exchange under jobstate.
Ability to set Plus limit.
Ability to store player information(Real IP, Playtime, status, last_login).
Ability to give players silk/hour.
Ability to set different rewards(SILK,POINT,GIFT).
Ability to set silk/hour start level.
Ability to set silk/hour silk amoun.
Ability to set silk/hour for active players only.
Ability to give notices when rewarded.
Battle arena register level.
Capture the flag register level.
Global message required level.
Stall required level.
Exchange delay specified in seconds
Stall delay specified in seconds
Global delay specified in seconds
Reverse delay specified in seconds
Restart delay specified in seconds
Exit delay specified in seconds
Zerk delay specified in seconds.
Advanced exploit protection.
Real client protection system.
Blocked known exploit opcodes.
Block unknown opcodes(later purpose, will block new exploits automatic).
Bytes protection per second.
Packet protection per second.
Flood protection.
Flood detection start limit.
Flood action (Disconnect, Ban).
Exploit action (Disconnect, Ban).
Packet action (Disconnect, Ban).
Unknown action (Off, Disconnect, Ban).
PC limit option.
IP limit option.
Ability to allow StrUserID(s) to bypass limits.
IP_GLOBAL, ability to
CAFE_LIMIT, set new ip limit on (CAFE_IP's)
Ability to set server name.
Ability to set fake players.
Ability to set max players.
Ability to set ShardID.
Ability to enable/disable.
Ability to enable/disable plus notice.
Ability to set start plus for notices.
Ability to set special items to show in notices.
Ability to send welcome message to players.
Ability to edit welcome message.
Ability to set SUPERMIKE message handling(Notice, Private, Off).
Ability to disable restart button.
Ability to disable avatar blue granting from NPC.
Ability to change all notices / messages that is sent to players.
100% support to any language that you write.
You can customize it to Arabic, Turkish and so on, use your own imagination!
Was suggested by a Peru customer, thanks<3
Advanced word blocker in (Global, Stall, Party matching, Private message, USMG, All chat....)
Ability to enable Region reader.
Ability to enable Anti job Cheat.
Ability to enable Anti job Trace.
Ability to enable Fortress blocked skills.
Ability to enable Anti fortress trace.
Ability to enable Anti fortress resurrection scroll.
Ability to sex max sell stock for thieves.
Ability to disable Academy creation.
Ability to disable Academy invite/join/accept.
Ability to set Guild limit.
Ability to set Union limit.
Ability to store HWID in database.

Ability to prevent third-part programs to enter the game.
Ability to prevent third-part programs from alchemy.
Ability to prevent third-part programs from joining Arena.
Ability to prevent third-part programs from joining CTF.
Ability to prevent third-part programs from joining Fortress.
Ability to prevent third-part programs from changing avatar blues!
Ability to prevent third-part programs to create party matches!
Ability to prevent third-part programs to invite to party matches!
Ability to prevent third-part programs from opening a stall.
Ability to prevent third-part programs to exchange another user.
Ability to prevent third-part programs to use PVP cape.
Ability to prevent third-part programs from tracing other users.
Get messages in SUPERMIKE when people is using third-part programs.
Endless Support for latest SUPERMIKE version
Request new features users
Installation help, SQL help, and much more
Pre-release access
No need to worry about monthly bills

Note(s): All settings can be changed in settings.ini
Payment methods
Verified Paypal

25 - 100$ / Custom coding
15$ / Guard installation.
25$ / HWID hook, system enabling.
50$ / Anti-bot system
100$ / Lifetime support

Note: Contact me to purchase!
Terms of usage:
I agree that I will not attempt to edit SUPERMIKE.exe
By using SUPERMIKE you agree that you will not edit the program name
SUPERMIKE is encrypted, if virustotal shows anything its false positive
You will only download SUPERMIKE from (dl.goofie.se)
Using cracked version of SUPERMIKE is not allowed and will be punished by me.
We do not grant refund on purchases, all purchases are final.
Latest update:(SUPERMIKE) 2016-02-14 17:54
Note: Make sure you always have the latest guard for 100% stability, if your program stop works download a new one.
Active commands
/help - Print all the existing commands.
/clear - Resets the console.
/logging - Toggles the log-save of unknown packets (on/off)
/reload - Reloads config.cfg
/reloadip - Clears IP Limit
/reopcodes - Reload opcodes
/banreload - Reload bans
/banlist - Show all active IP bans
/exploit - Toggles the exploit protection (on/off)
/hwid - Gets your computer Hardware ID
/hclear - Clears you prestored hwid list
/nospam - Will disable the message showing that new filter is out!

Admin commands
/notice Message - Will send a notice to everyone online.
/ban Username/Charname - Will IP ban the target.
/disconnect Username/Charname - Will disconnect the target.
Note: These are live commands, using them will maybe affect your online users.
دا سورس واحد من افضل الفلترات انت لو عرفت تشتغل عليه ممكن تأخدوا وتعدل عليه وتعمل فيلتر تحفه بكل الfeatures الموجوده في الفيلترات المشهوره دلوقتي الفيلتر اسمه : SUPERMIKE دا السورس : عفوا ,,, لايمكنك مشاهده الروابط لانك غير مسجل لدينا [ للتسجيل اضغط هنا ]
ودي حاجات ال SQL بتاعتوا :
عفوا ,,, لايمكنك مشاهده الروابط لانك غير مسجل لدينا [ للتسجيل اضغط هنا ]

لو سمحت انا بلعب جيم pc limit 3 وعايز افتح اكتر من كده مع العلم العبة فيها فايل اسمو HWIDfilter.dll وانا لو سمحتو بيجيلي Dc وجرت برنامج Hwid chang مشغلش حاجه زيادة 3 برضه فا لقيت علي النت حاجه اسمها file bypass بسمي بنفس اسم فايل hwidfilter.dll بس مبيفتحش الجيم اصلا ممكن تساعدني شكرا

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