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 الـجـروب الـرسـمى لـلـمـنـتـدى FaceBook | Official Group 

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أخبار ومناقشات League Of Legends [ خاص بمناقشات الاعضاء وأخبار اللعبه الجديدة والتغيرات التى تحدث داخل اللعبه ] [ خاص أيضا بالمناقشات حول البطولات والدورات ]

أدوات الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 10-10-2017, 09:43 PM   #1

عضو جديد

الصورة الرمزية ezzmhmdpro

• الانـتـسـاب » May 2015
• رقـم العـضـويـة » 122116
• المشـــاركـات » 39
• الـدولـة »
• الـهـوايـة »
• اسـم الـسـيـرفـر » No Server
• الـجـنـس » Male
• نقـاط التقييم » 10
ezzmhmdpro صـاعـد

ezzmhmdpro غير متواجد حالياً


(18) The Tallest Daisy / Evelynn rework !

Evelynn slinked through the teeming streets, the shadows of her body blending seamlessly with the night. Her eyes glinted within the gloom, though only the keenest observer would have noticed. Drunks, sailors, and harlots chatted in a nearby thoroughfare, blissfully unaware they were being watched by a demon in the dark. The demon, on the other hand, saw them all with perfect clarity, and judged them with the most discerning eye.
Evelynn’s gaze settled on a man lying in the gutter, a bottle of beet wine dangling from his hands. Ordinarily, the demon wouldn’t give a second thought to someone in his condition. But she had not fed in days, and she found herself desperate enough to consider the man, if only for a moment. It would be so easy. All she needed was to lure him to one of the numerous alleys far from the glow of the street lamps.
The thought perished as she watched a cockroach scurry across the drunk’s face. This was a man too inebriated to feel. His arousal would be vague and muted, with none of the urgent attraction she loved to see in her victims before she brought them low. She might even flay an entire arm before he mustered a scream.
And that was the problem. Over the course of countless feedings, Evelynn had learned everything about her palate: She preferred—no, needed—her victims to feel every prick, every bite, every bit of flesh she peeled away with her claws. A man in this condition would be dull and unfulfilling, scarcely worth her time.
She dismissed the drunk and continued down the muddy promenade, past the windows of a dank, candlelit tavern. A fat, belching woman threw open its door and stumbled out into the night, grasping a half-eaten turkey leg. For a moment, Evelynn considered the woman, how she might woo her into an embrace, and then into the unspeakable hell that would follow.
The demon watched as the woman wolfed down the rest of the meat, never tasting it. There was something deep inside her, a melancholy that would taint the experience.
Evelynn preferred inflicting the pain herself.
The demon moved on, gliding through the shadows of the town, over two more drunks, past a beggar asking for alms, between a couple in the midst of an argument. Evelynn found them all completely unappealing. Hurting them would be like plucking a flower that had already wilted. She preferred her daisies tall and healthy, for those were the most satisfying to cut down.
A dreadful thought overtook her. Perhaps she’d made a mistake choosing this wretched backwater as her hunting ground. Perhaps, at any moment, the thrill from her last victim might wear off, leaving only the nothingness—that utterly empty space inside her where feelings should be.
And then, she saw him…
The gentleman was positively beaming as he exited one of the high-end pubs. He was dapper without being flashy, and he hummed a jaunty tune to himself as he set off down the street with a bouquet of flowers tucked gingerly in the fold of his arm.
The two lashers on Evelynn’s back writhed with excitement. Even from a distance, she sensed this man was completely content in his own skin. She dashed after the gentleman, taking great care not to lose track of her prey or to alert him to her presence.
He walked for nearly half an hour before finally turning up a long walkway toward a modestly sized, cut-stone manor. At the end of the path, the man stepped through the heavy oak door to his home. Evelynn held her unblinking gaze on the windows of the man’s house as they lit one by one with warm candlelight. A slender, austere woman in a high-necked evening gown entered and greeted the man with a welcoming embrace. She feigned a slight surprise at the flowers he had brought, before placing them in a clean vase, right next to an old bouquet.
The demon’s interest grew.
A moment later, two children, scarcely out of diapers, ran into the room and threw their arms around the man’s legs, their wide grins sparkling with tiny teeth. Though the scene played like the epitome of domestic bliss, Evelynn knew what she would find if she probed just a little deeper.
She waited patiently, watching the candles go out one by one, until only the parlor remained lit. The man was alone, settling into a reading chair to draw on his pipe. Evelynn crept out of the shadows, her dark, wispy limbs giving way to warm flesh. Her demonic lashers disappeared behind her back, revealing a shapely female form, with curves too generous for any eye to ignore.
Her hips waggled softly as she sauntered across the lawn to the window. She was nearly arm’s length from the glass when she saw the man bolt upright from his chair at the sight of her, his pipe nearly falling from his mouth. Evelynn beckoned with a single finger, motioning for the man to join her outside.
The man crept to the front door and opened it tentatively, curious to investigate the strange beauty lurking outside his window. He approached her on the lawn with great apprehension, and greater anticipation.
“Who… are you?” he asked timidly.
“I’m whatever you want me to be,” assured the demon.
As Evelynn locked eyes with the man, she plumbed the depths of his soul and found exactly what she was looking for—that tiny lesion of discontent that festered within even the happiest person.
There it is, she thought. All that he wants and cannot have.
“My family…” the man said, unable to finish his thought.
The demon leaned close.
“Shh. It’s okay,” she whispered in the man’s ear. “I know what you want, and the guilt you feel for wanting it. Let it go.”
She pulled back to find the man hopelessly captivated.
“Can I… have you?” he asked, ashamed of his brazenness, but overcome by a strange desire to take her right there on the lawn.
“Of course, honey. That’s why I’m here,” said the demon.
He touched her face with the tips of his fingers, caressing her cheek. She held his hand firmly to her skin and released a soft, sultry chuckle. This sweet, tender, happy man would be hers tonight. He had so much pain to give, and she would take it all.
From behind them, the shuffling of slippered feet sounded from the open doorway of the house.
“Is everything okay, love?” asked the man’s wife.
“Everything’s going to be wonderful, my darling,” the demon answered for the dumbstruck man.
The deal had become even sweeter, and the prospects more enticing. There was one daisy in full flower to pluck,[/C and one bulb to bloom while it watched.

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Private SRO @ Perfection @ Ex.Silkroad R @ SroKings @ قـسـم الـتـصـامـيـم والـجـرافـيـكـس @ Other Online Games @ قـسـم S4 League @ قسم CrossFire @ قسم Conquer Online @ قـسـم بـيـع وشـراء LOL @ تـحـمـيـل ألـعـاب Pc Games @ طلبات و استفسارات و مشاكل الالعاب @ Barons Online @ (AriesOnline (Pvp @ مشاكل & استفسارات S4 League @ مشاكل & استفسارات CrossFire @ World's Gate @ Sun-World @ قسم Aion @ قسم Continent Of The Ninth @ قسم World Of Warcraft @ PanicSro @ الـقـسـم الاخـبـارى @ قـسـم خـاص بـمـواضـيـع الاعـتـزال والاجازات @ IceSro-R @ Kings_Silkroad @ Justice Road @ ArabianRoadOnline Network @ Devias Online @ قـسـم طـلـبـات الـفـحـص @ CrossFire Fantasy Game @ قسم هاكات CrossFire @ مشاكل & استفسارات Aion @ مشاكل & استفسارات Conquer Online @ قسم الاسئله و استفسارات للعبة League Of Legends @ legenD road @ WantedSro Online @ قسم شروحات الشخصيات والبيلدات @ قسم الشروحات و البرامج المستخدمة في عمل السيرفرات الخاصة @ Mixsro @ قـسـم الـمـسـابـقـات والألـعـاب @ قـسـم الأسـئـلـة والاسـتـفـسـارات الـمـتـعـلـقـة بـ SRO-R @ LegenD Road @ Knights War Online @ Evolution Network @ FlagSRO Network @ Perfection (PvP) Network @ قـسـم هـاكـات S4league @ منتدى المنوعات @ حــرب العصــابــات @ قــســم الادارة الــعــلــيــا @ كــأس العالــم لـلاذى @ Destructions Network @ FanTasYWorld @ مـتـجـر خـدمـات وممـيـزات الـرصـيـد الـبـنـكـي @ Smart-Sro Online @ InFusion Online @ قـسـم الأنـمـى الـعـام @ Divine Online @ قـسـم Dota @ تـقـاريـر وأخـبـار ألـعـاب الـ PC @ GameXen Network @ inferno online @ منتدى عمل السيرفرات الخاصة @ قسم الحماية والاوتوايفنت للسيرفرات الخاصه @ الأسئلة و الاستفسارات الخاصة بالـ PK2 edit @ Velestia @ Punisher Sro Online @ Atlantis Online @ ALEXNADER SRO @ Hell World Online @ ImmortalRoad @ قـسـم الـ Centerbot @ قسم الاستفسارات ومشاكل وحلول ال Centerbot @ Time.Sro-Online @ Revenge (PVE) Online @ مـنـتـدى Silkroad4arab || Games Online @ ركن الالعاب الاون لاين و المتصفح Online Games @ قسم دروس التصميم (مونتاج - فوتوشوب) @ قسم ادوات التصميم و ملحقاتها @ قسم المانجا @ قسم تقارير الانمي @ دورة الفوتوشوب للمبتدئين @ الشروحات العامة @ قسم طلبات التعريفات @ مـسـودة الأعـضـاء @ Creddy Online @ Alliance-sro @ Quick Road (PvP ) @ قسم الاسئله والاستفسارات لعمل الفيديو @ منتدى لعبة League Of Legends @ أخبار ومناقشات League Of Legends @ قسم بيع وشراء لعبة CrossFire @ القسم التعليمي للعبة League Of Legends @ منتدى سيرفرات [ LOL ] @ North America @ EU West @ EU Nordic & East @ صـور و فـيـديـو League Of Legends @ قسم طلبات واستفسارات البيلدات والشخصيات @ قسم تقارير المخالفات والإنذارات @ قـسـم كـشـف الـدمـج و الـتـلـغـيـم @ قسم Wolf team @ قسم Dota 2 @ قسم Dragon nest @ قسم DC Universe Online @ قسم انظمة تشغيل Windows @ Quenth Online @ Wolf team Arabic @ RealDreamSro ( PvP ) @ EmpireSRO @ Amazing Sro @ Speed-sro @ . Destructions Network @ SilkRoad E 80 China @ قـسم المــواضـيع الـشعـريه والادبـيـه @ قـسـم اخـبـار الانـمـى @ Greats-sro Online @ قـسـم الـكـومـيـكـس @ منتدى الفحص @ Srowing @ Dakupra-Online @ حرب العصابات @ قسم خاص بالاسئله والاستفسارات الخاصة بالجرافيكس @ منتدى لغات البرمجة و التطوير @ قسم شروحات لغات البرمجة و التطوير @ مناقشات لغات البرمجة و التطوير @ قسم الاسئلة و الاستفسارات الخاصه بلغات البرمجة @ استراحة البوتاتــ @ PantuSRO @ القسم التجارى الرسمي ( Vps Hosting , Diacated server,Silkroad edit ) @ Tyr Online @ RocSro @ Legend Of Silkroad @ Pioneer Gaming-Network @ Valentus - CAP 80 @ MirrorSro @ Eridanus Online Cap90 @ Fear-Sro @ Silkroad-Z Online PVE @ طـلبات الاعضـاء @ Massive-Network @ Kryptonite-Sro @ DeathRoad @ Mysro Servers @ Devils Team @ DooMSRO Network @ EROAD SRO @ Story-SRO @ Ventrue-Online @ Settlers-SRO @ Electus Online @ MarsRoad Online @ Arrow Online @ Selene @ Hermes @ OldSro Online (cap 80 ) @ Sunroad @ Eloys Online @ Sentiero-Road Online @ Steam-Sro @ Arcane Reborn Online @ Eryxonline @ Vengeance Online @ Mirage Online @ SyndiCateOnline @ Desert Sro @ NeSro Network @ قسـم الـ Android @ قســم تــطويـر المــواقع والمــنتديـــات @ قـسـمـ الـلـهــو الـخــفــي @ MegaWar Sro @ Mirror Sro @ AdvancedSRO @ OblivionSilkroad @ Arrivals_Sro @ Amphibius Online @ Royal online @ Forbidden-Sro @ vanish-sro @ Majesty Online @ Chaos Network @ قـسـم الـ srAssist Bot @ قسم الاستفسارات ومشاكل وحلول ال srAssist Bot @ Damocles Sro @ Demo Sro @ KingsRoad @ Arius 9D ch & eu @ brother sro @ DreamWorld-Online @ Poseidon-Sro @ Ph-Sro @ Jupiet-Online @ Fury Sro @ JungleSro @ Xemia Games @ invctus-sro @ Revolution Gaming Network @ DemonSro @ Aeolus @ Golden Sro @ Chaos Network @ Chaos II Online @ Fallen Soul @ Xian @ Xian @ Revira online @ قسم اللياقة البدنية @ كاس العالم للاذي 2018 @ Immortal SRO @ قـسـم الاغـانـى الـعامة [English - Arabic - Videos] @ قـسـم الـرابــ (Rap) @ أرشـيـف الـمـواضـيـع الـمـمـيـزة @ Perfection SRO @ Rev-Sro @ Egypt Sro @ قـسـم خـاص بالـ Data Base @ قـسـم PUBG Mobile @ قـسـم Fortnite @ PureSRO @ Battle-Online @ قـسـم تـحـمـيـل الأفـلام الـعـربـيـة @ قـسـم الـسـيـرفـرات الـخـاصـة الـمـجـانـى @ URBANO-SRO @ Zero-Online @ Anoha 140 PVE @ Anoha 140 PVE @ Exorue 80 CH @ Pantu-SRO @ Victor SRO @ Flare Online @ Aeolian Online @ Maygen Online @ Norges Online @ Ragnis Online @ قـسـم الـ [ ST-FILTER ] @ الـقـسـم الـتـجـاري لـ ISRO [خاص فقط لبيع منتجات اللعبة الاصلية] @ Dynastic online @ مـنـتـدى الـسـيـرفـيـرات الـتـركـي والـروسـي @ قـسـم سـيـرفـرات وجـايـلـدات الـسـيـرفـر الـتـركـى [TR-SRO] @ Troy @ Smyrna @ Side @ Olympos @ Teos @ Perge @ قـسـم الـبـيـع والـشـراء الـسـيـرفـر الـتـركـي [ TR-SRO ] @ قـسـم سـيـرفـرات وجـايـلـدات الـسـيـرفـر الـروسـي [ RU-SRO ] @ قـسـم الـبـيـع والـشـراء الـسـيـرفـر الـروسـى [ RU-SRO ] @ Miele Online @ Old Silkroad - ZSZC @ Paranormal @ Aquarius Online @ T-SRO online @ Glory @ Serv Game @ Roxy Online @ Enfexia Online @ Aege Online CAP 110 @ Florian Online @ SroPace Online @ Elessea Online @ Dream World @ Asona Online @ Victus-R Online @ Rexall Online @ Pirate Online @ Xian @ ZSC ONLINE @ Asteria Online @ ESJET Online @ Hiva Online @ Silk Way Online @