قسم الحماية والاوتوايفنت للسيرفرات الخاصه [ قسم خاص بالحماية والفلترات والاوتو ايفينت للسيرفات الخاصة ] |
أدوات الموضوع | انواع عرض الموضوع |
21-10-2020, 01:53 PM | #1 | ||||||||||
[CENTER] Mc PacketFilter فلتر بسيط فية مميزات كتير تقدر تستفاد منها طبعا السوروس جامع مبين KRYLFILTER و SROPROT و KGuard وشوية تكات كمان نسخة تجريبية احتمال يكون فيها مشاكل لا مش احتمال هيا اكيد فيها مشاكل لانها مش مجربة علي سيرفراون لاين هننزل النسخة دي واللي يقابلو مشكلة فيها هنحلها سوا الفلتر شارح نفسة بس هنوضح بردو الشغل علية هيبقا ازاي #EXPLOITS Avatar exploit fixed Invisible/Invincible exploit fixed CharName injector exploit fixed Zerk exploit fixed Gameserver crash exploit fixed #GM Features Mobkill 0 Command (you can improve this command to be mobkill 1 so gm cant get any drop from uniques) GM Start Visible (your gms will be visible for every one) Login Notice (Players will get notice when they login into your server (normal players only.)) JOB Features# Reverse Scrolls (you can block this scroll while job state) Resurrection scroll (you can block this scroll while job state) Trace function (you can block this function while job state) Zerk function (you can block this function while job state) Berserk pot Scrolls function (you can block this scroll while job state) JOB Anti cheat (you can improve your job this feature will block thief cant use return scroll/pick trade items inside towns/spawn horses/trade pets inside towns) BOT Features# Ability to prevent third-part programs to enter the game. Ability to prevent third-part programs from alchemy. Ability to prevent third-part programs from joining Arena. Ability to prevent third-part programs from joining CTF. Ability to prevent third-part programs from joining Fortress. Ability to prevent third-part programs from changing avatar blues! Ability to prevent third-part programs to create party matches! Ability to prevent third-part programs to invite to party matches! Ability to prevent third-part programs from opening a stall. Ability to prevent third-part programs to exchange another user. Ability to prevent third-part programs to use PVP cape. Ability to prevent third-part programs to join Holy water temple. Ability to prevent third-part programs to join Job Temple (Alex Cave). Ability to prevent third-part programs to join Fortress war. Ability to prevent third-part programs to join Forgotten World. Ability to prevent third-part programs from tracing other users. Ability to prevent third-part programs from exchange other users. Ability to prevent third-part programs to use avatars blue. Ability to prevent third-part programs to use specific skill. Block SRO Functions Features Ability to prevent Zerk in specific region Ability to prevent Party in specific region Ability to prevent Berserk Pot in specific region Ability to prevent Trace in specific region Ability to prevent Skill in specific region [CENTER] LOG Feature# Ability to Log Private Chat Ability to Log GM Chat Ability to Log Stall Chat Ability to Log Guild Chat Ability to Log Union Chat Ability to Log Party Chat Ability to Log All Chat Ability to Log Global Chat Ability to Log Academy Chat Ability to Log Unique's Kills Level Feature# Ability to set the min level for who can join arenaAbility to set the min level for who can join CTF Ability to set the min level for who can open stall Ability to set the min level for who can wear pvp cape Ability to set the min level for who can use Exchange Ability to set the min level for who can join Job Ability to set the min level for who can use Resurrection scrolls Ability to set the min level for who can use Zerk Ability to set the min level for who can use global chat Ability to set the min level for who can use reverse scrolls Delay Feature# Exchange delay specified in seconds Stall delay specified in seconds Global delay specified in seconds Reverse delay specified in seconds Restart delay specified in seconds Exit delay specified in seconds Zerk delay specified in seconds. Auto attack delay specified in seconds. Pet delay specified in seconds. Party delay specified in seconds. Resurrection Scrolls delay specified in seconds Limit Feature# IP LimitHwid Limit Guild Limit Union Limit Extra Feature Academy# Ability to prevent academy inviteAbility to prevent academy create Extra Ability to prevent Up STR Ability to prevent Up INT Ability to prevent Up Skills Ability to prevent Up Mastery Ability to prevent Restart Ability to prevent Stall Out town Ability to prevent avatar blue Item Lock Feature# item-lock(anti scam system)now you can protect your players by add a private password on there account !lock password will lock the character so most of the game will be locked you cant use stall,drop,guild..etc !unlock password will unlock the character so can be use any thing !removelock password will remove the lock system from the character lock will prevent player from use update guild grant name (if he muster the guild) Disband the guild (if he muster the guild) ban user from guild (if he muster the guild) Promote the guild (if he muster the guild) set Permission for user (if he muster the guild) ban union (if he muster the guild) leave union (if he muster the guild) alchemy any type (elixir,socket,stone..etc) donate guild gp leave guild guild invite union invite open guild storage buy any thing from stall up STR , UP INT, UP Skills, up mastery create stall use zerk avatar blue use Berserk potion use global chat use Rescurrection scroll use job mode buying item from npc selling item to npc drop item/gold any type of exchange (send request/accept..etc) AFK Feature# Afk bubbles You can disconnect/Mark afk players on CTF/FORTRESS/ARENA/ALL Reward Per Hour Feature You can reward your palyers by special rewards You can set the min level who can get the reward You can prevent Bot/Afk players from getting the reward You can notice the player who get the reward Reward Type # SilkSilk Gift Silk Point Gold Coins Copper Coins Iron Coins Silver Coins Arena Coins Global Chat Scrolls هيتم تعريب الموضوع في اقرب وقت طبعا دي مش كل المميزات اللي موجودة دا جزء تقد تشوف الباقي في SQL Table اسمها Filter كود:
1 PC_LIMIT 0 Concurrent number of PCs that can be connected simultaneously on this server. 2 JOB_PC_LIMIT 0 Concurrent number of PCs that can be inside JOB. 3 BA_PC_LIMIT 0 Concurrent number of PCs that can be inside Battle arena. 4 CTF_PC_LIMIT 0 Concurrent number of PCs that can be inside Capture the flag 5 REWARD_PC_LIMIT false By enabling this you will restrict REWARDPERHOUR for one PC only. 6 IP_LIMIT 0 Concurrent number of IPs that can be connected simultaneously on this server. 7 CAFE_LIMIT 0 Special IPs that can connect more times then IP_LIMIT. 8 PLUS_LIMIT 0 The maximum reachable plus on all items on this server. 9 GUILD_LIMIT 0 The maximum allowed members in Guild on this server. 10 UNION_LIMIT 0 The maximum allowed allied Guilds on this server. 11 ACADEMY_CREATE_DISABLED false Disable academy creation by setting this to true. 12 ACADEMY_INVITE_DISABLED false Disable academy invite by setting this to true. 13 ACADEMY_JOIN_DISABLED false Disable academy join by setting this to true. 14 ACADEMY_ACCEPT_DISABLED false Disable academy accept invite by setting this to true. 15 ACADEMY_BAN_DISABLED false Disable academy ban by setting this to true. 16 ACADEMY_LEAVE_DISABLED false Disable academy leave by setting this to true. 17 ARENA_REGISTER_LEVEL 0 The required level to register for Battle manager NPC. 18 CTF_REGISTER_LEVEL 0 The required level to register for SO-OK NPC. 19 GLOBAL_LEVEL 0 The required level in order to use this item. 20 GLOBAL_DELAY 0 Set the refuse time on global chatting here. 21 REVERSE_LEVEL 0 The required level in order to use this item. 22 REVERSE_DELAY 0 Set the refuse time on reverse scrolls here. 23 REVERSE_JOB_DISABLED false Disable reverse scroll in jobbing by setting this to true. 24 RESCURRENT_LEVEL 0 The required level in order to use this item. 25 RESCURRENT_DELAY 0 Set the refuse time on rescurrent scrolls here. 26 RESCURRENT_JOB_DISABLED false Disable rescurrent scrolls in jobbing by setting this to true. 27 STALL_LEVEL 0 The required level to open a stall. 28 STALL_DELAY 0 Set the refuse time on stalls here. 29 EXCHANGE_LEVEL 0 The required level to exchange another player. 30 EXCHANGE_DELAY 0 Set the refuse time on exchange here. 31 ZERK_LEVEL 0 The required level to use berserker. 32 ZERK_DELAY 0 Set the refuse time on berserker here. 33 RESTART_DELAY 0 Set the refuse time on restart here. 34 EXIT_DELAY 0 Set the refuse time on exit here. 35 GM_LOGIN_ONLY false If you set this to true only GM accounts in(gmaccounts.txt) may login to the server. 36 GM_START_VISIBLE false If you set this to true GM accounts in(gmaccounts.txt) will always be visible to other players. 37 GM_MOBKILL_PROTECTION false If you set this to true monsters will not drop items when using Mobkill. 38 WELCOME_MSG [KRYLFILTER] Welcome {charname} to Servername! Useables {charname} and {user_id} 39 TRADE_BUG_DELAY 10 Set the refuse time on teleporting after spawning/destroying pet. 40 ATTACK_BUG_DELAY 0 Set the refuse time on casing skills/attacks 41 BOT_CONTROLL false BOT_CONTROLL false Do you want to enable all the BOT_ features below? 42 BOT_CONNECTION true Do you want third part tools to connect to your server? (true = yes, false = no) 43 BOT_FORTRESS_ARENA true Do you allow third part tools inside Fortress Area? (true = yes, false = no) 44 BOT_BATTLE_ARENA true Do you allow third part tools for Registering to Battle Arena? (true = yes, false = no) 45 BOT_CTF_ARENA true Do you allow third part tools for Registering to Capture the flag? (true = yes, false = no) 46 BOT_WATER_TEMPLE true Do you allow third part tools inside Water temple? (true = yes, false = no) 47 BOT_JOB_TEMPLE true Do you allow third part tools inside job temple? (true = yes, false = no) 48 BOT_PVP true Do you allow third part tools to PVP other players? (true = yes, false = no) 49 BOT_TRACE true Do you allow third part tools to Trace other players? (true = yes, false = no) 50 BOT_EXCHANGE true Do you allow third part tools to Exchange other players? (true = yes, false = no) 51 BOT_STALL true Do you allow third part tools to open a Stall? (true = yes, false = no) 52 BOT_PARTY true Do you allow third part tools to register/invite/accept to party? (true = yes, false = no) 53 BOT_JOBBING true Do you allow third part tools to trade/jobbing? (true = yes, false = no) 54 BOT_ALCHEMY_ELIXIR true Do you allow third part tools in Alchemy with elixir? (true = yes, false = no) 55 BOT_ALCHEMY_STONE true Do you allow third part tools in Alchemy with stones? (true = yes, false = no) 56 JOB_ADVANCED false This will enable the improved JOB SYSTEM 57 JOB_ZERK false Disable ZERK while jobbing? 58 LOG_ALLCHAT false Log allchat msgs 59 LOG_GMCHAT false Log gmchat msgs 60 LOG_PMCHAT false Log pmchat msgs 61 LOG_PARTYCHAT false Log partychat msgs 62 LOG_GUILDCHAT false Log guildchat msgs 63 LOG_ACADEMYCHAT false Log academychat msgs 64 LOG_UNIONCHAT false Log unionchat msgs 65 LOG_GLOBALCHAT false Log globalchat msgs 66 REWARDPERHOUR_ENABLED false Do you want to use reward per hour? 67 REWARDPERHOUR_INFORMPLAYER false Do you want to inform player that they got rewarded? 68 REWARDPERHOUR_ITEMID silk silk,point,gift or ITEM_CH_TBLADE_01_A_RARE?: 69 REWARDPERHOUR_OPTLEVEL 1 Silk amount or OptLevel aka Data 70 ITEM_LOCK false Do you want to use the item lock system? 71 ITEM_LOCK_UP_STR false Protect updating STR? 72 ITEM_LOCK_UP_INT false Protect updating INT? 73 ITEM_LOCK_UP_SKILL false Protect updating SKILL? 74 ITEM_LOCK_EXCHANGE false Protect against EXCHANGE? 75 ITEM_LOCK_STALL false Protect against STALL? 76 ITEM_LOCK_STORAGE false Protect against STORAGE? 77 ITEM_LOCK_BUY_ITEM false Protect against buying item in NPC? 78 ITEM_LOCK_SELL_ITEM false Protect against selling item in NPC? 79 ITEM_LOCK_DROP_STUFF false Protect against dropping GOLD/ITEM? 80 ITEM_LOCK_GLOBAL false Protect against using GLOBALCHAT? 81 ITEM_LOCK_AVATAR false Protect AVATAR BLUES granting? 82 ITEM_LOCK_ALCHEMY false Protect against ALCHEMY ELIXIR? 83 ITEM_LOCK_ALCHEMY_STONE false Protect against ALCHEMY STONE? 84 ITEM_LOCK_ALCHEMY_DISSAMBLE false Protect against ALCHEMY DISSAMBLE? 85 ITEM_LOCK_GUILD_KICK false Protect against GUILD kick? 86 ITEM_LOCK_GUILD_DISBAND false Protect against GUILD disband? 87 ITEM_LOCK_GUILD_LEAVE false Protect against GUILD leave? 88 ITEM_LOCK_GUILD_DONATE_GP false Protect against GUILD donate sp? 89 ITEM_LOCK_GUILD_PROMOTE false Protect against GUILD promote? 90 ITEM_LOCK_GUILD_STORAGE false Protect against GUILD storage? 91 ITEM_LOCK_MAX_FAIL 3 How many times can you fail on password entry? 92 JOB_TRACE false Disable trace function while wearing JOB suit, dafaq not bugged? bb. 93 WICKED_STALL_PRICES false Modify the cost of items in stall, made special for wickedboi 94 ALEXUS_GOLD_COIN false ALEXUS_GOLD_COIN 95 FTW_PC_LIMIT 0 NULL 96 FORTRESS_TRACE false NULL 97 FORTRESS_ZERK false NULL 98 FORTRESS_BERSERKPOT false NULL 99 FORTRESS_RESURRECTIONSCROLL false NULL 100 JOB_BERSERKPOT false NULL 101 PVP_ZERK false NULL 102 PVP_BERSERKPOT false NULL 103 AVATAR_BLUES false NULL 104 CAPTCHA_CHAR 0 NULL 105 DISABLE_CAPTCHA false NULL Links Removed For Updating |
التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة McDiesel ; 02-11-2020 الساعة 03:07 AM
24-10-2020, 10:08 AM | #2 | ||||||||||
الله ينور... المنتدى اتطور |
26-10-2020, 03:20 AM | #3 | |||||||||||
26-10-2020, 10:10 AM | #4 | ||||||||||
شغل عالي ويستحق كل التقدير وفى انتظار التحديثات القادمة |
26-10-2020, 02:04 PM | #5 | |||||||||||
26-10-2020, 08:57 PM | #6 | ||||||||||
السورس لينك للاسف مش شغال يا ريت التاكيد و ممكن سوءال هل فعلا اقدر استخدم الفلتر ده و اتعلم برمجه و اعمل حاجه مجترمه بيه تشيل 5 لاف لعيب و كدا ولا انت شايف ايه متنساش اللينك للسورس :) |
28-10-2020, 04:32 AM | #7 | ||||||||||
عااااش تسلم بس رابط السورس مش شغال |
31-10-2020, 02:19 AM | #8 | |||||||||||
31-10-2020, 02:20 AM | #9 | |||||||||||
13-12-2020, 05:01 AM | #10 | ||||||||||
where the link ? |
24-12-2020, 05:30 AM | #11 | ||||||||||
فين الفلتر يا جدعان |
03-01-2021, 06:51 AM | #12 | ||||||||||
هيتم عمل نسخة مجانية اخري لان النسخة دي اتطورت ب GUI وبقت مدفوعة جاري تصميم نسخة مجانية بدون ال GUI |
13-01-2021, 12:47 AM | #13 | ||||||||||
good job |
12-11-2021, 03:37 AM | #14 | ||||||||||
فين فلتر المجنيه |
04-02-2022, 08:11 AM | #15 | ||||||||||
يغلق لعد الاهتمام |
يتصفح الموضوع حالياً : 3 (0 عضو و 3 زائر) | |
أدوات الموضوع | |
انواع عرض الموضوع | |
المواضيع المتشابهه | ||||
الموضوع | كاتب الموضوع | المنتدى | الردود | آخر مشاركة |
JGuard [FREE] Packet filter | CritYouDown | قسم الحماية والاوتوايفنت للسيرفرات الخاصه | 225 | 16-07-2019 03:15 PM |
[Release] SUPERMIKE | Exploit filter | FREE | TONS OF FEATURES | STABLE | | Mohamed ElKersh | قسم المواضيع المكررة و المخالفة | 5 | 21-03-2016 06:38 PM |